Sunday, September 23, 2012


We had no idea what to have for the breakfast, so just walk around our hotel area and saw this cafe, tucked along the small lane - Rua Da Barca Da Lenha. The cafe give me a very traditional & local feel, may be because there is no much decoration and fancy stuff. I felt it will be good and glad that I am not disappointed.

The porridge tasted average, quite nice. They use lean pork, peanut and add with century eggs, very typical Hong Kong style porridge, or may be macau porridge also the same as they are so near, the culture should be almost the same.

The way they serve the tea and coffee is quite special. They separate the tea and other ingredient and gave you a filter for you to filter the tea leaves. We had milk tea and Yuan Yang(milk tea with coffee). I love it a lot, tasted great.

Address: Rua Da Barca Da Lenha

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