Monday, August 19, 2013

Xian De Lai

This is steamboat place where you can find most of the people dine in having steamboat. Their steamboat is not like what we normally have in sharing.  The version here is each of you will get one hy yourself and it served like a vase kind pot.

We there not for the steamboat but the grilled fish. We ordered Black Bean Grilled Fish($34.90++) although the famous one will be Sichuan Spicy麻辣(super spicy) one but I decided not to try that as I am getting sensitive to my skin again. They have 5 different types of grilled fish and all having the same price.

The 1st picture for the grilled fish is the Cumin Grilled Fish which they served wrongly. The 2nd one is the one we ordered, the Black Bean Grilled Fish. It is still has a pinch of spiciness but that was fine for me. The grilled fish and the gravy(soup) tasted quite good for me but please drink a lot of water after having it. This is good for sharing even with 4 people if you have rice to go with. Just one thing we are not get used to it is the oil floating on top of the soup, I actually removed that oil before I ate, some people might feel that is the good stuff. I actually removed 1.5 rice bowls' oil away.

Xian De Lai
Address: 50 Jurong Gateway Road #B01-09 JEM Singapore 608549

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