Thursday, October 10, 2013

Roti O

This is exactly the same as Roti Boy in Malaysia,  so it comes up because of the mexico bun's heat. I saw this bun last May 2013 when I visited Surabaya for the 1st time and we din manage to try that time.
During the visit to Surabaya again, we got this bun in airport for IDR9K. Later we then find out,  at Gudeng Train station, it sales at IDR8K only. So airport stuff is more expensive. When I was buying the bun, a lady kindly advised us to buy Roti Boy as that is tastier. Thanks to her.

My friend had this bun in Bali branch and she said it is so yummy that she had 6 buns by herself.  I have higher expectation but a bit disappointed as I agreed with the lady that Roti Boy taste nicer, even my friend said different from what she tasted in Bali. The smell not as aroma if compared, the filling like almost empty, it supposed to have some butter filling which is part of the soul of the bun. Nevertheless,  it helped to kill our hungry before an hour travel to our lunch destination.

Roti O
Address: Surabaya Airport

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