Friday, July 27, 2012

Cho Dumpling King

A famous Taiwan eatery place in Chinatown, Sydney. We meet friends for dinner and he recommended the place. When we reached there, there were lot of people on queue. The place is small and quizzy, definitely not a cosy place for you to sit down and relax. In fact, after we finished our meal,we sort of automatically paid and left as there are quite a lot of people waiting.  

Although it is called dumpling king, if you notice we din order any dumpling and that seems like not the most famous dishes.

My friend ordered Lu rou fan (Minced pork over rice). He love this so much that every time he came to this place, he will sure order this. It tasted quite good. The Deep Fried Pork Chop topped with hum choy / kiam chye (salted mustard leaves) was good too, but compare with the taiwan version, I think still can be better.

I ordered "Zha Jiang Mian"(炸酱面), minced meat noodles, which is quite good. I always like the combination of the bean paste with meat. It really delicious. I like sour and spicy soup, so I got myself a try, it is average.

My other friend ordered Lu rou(barised pork) dinner box set. The one and taste just average.

Cho Dumpling King
Address:  Chinatown, 8 Quay St  Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel: 02 9281 2760

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